Minx not only a cabin crew, but a freelance designer. She is particularly intrigued by exquisite craftsmanship from Europe and has studied corsetry and drapery in London College of Fashion. Since then, she has fine-tuned the corset-making technique to make chic but playful dresses and gowns by using beautiful fabric and trimmings she collected around the world. Her designs are feminine with a twist uniquely crafted in a modern way. My contact: dejavubyminx@yahoo.com
2 則留言:
好事呀, 咁都比你揾得番, 証明香港仲有好人會路不拾遺.
講開又講, 介指點跌得低呢? 唔啱size?
係呀, 唔啱size但又改唔到.....唔知點搞....